Make Every Day Earth Day: 8 Inspiring Ways to Celebrate Today

jamie lee peterson

Hi, I'm Jamie, a photographer and artist who loves nature. Each year on Earth Day, I take a moment to reflect on the last 12 months and think about all the ways I tried to contribute and how I can do more today to create a better tomorrow. As this year's pledge, I've decided to share my list of "Earth Deeds" that I do on an ongoing basis and add new items that I will begin in 2024. Will you join me?


"We don't have to engage in grand, heroic actions to participate in change. Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world." -Howard Zinn


a sign celebrating earth day showing the words "one world"

I have personally selected 8 ways anyone can celebrate Earth Day. Each one is something I already do or plan to do this year: 


Get outside and enjoy nature

One of the best ways to celebrate our beautiful planet is to get outside and appreciate it! Didn't I tell you it would be easy? This may sound silly, but the first step to caring about something is appreciating it, so go for a walk at the park or a hike in your local wilderness. Consider even packing a picnic and staying a while. Surround yourself with nature and appreciate how unique and special it is. This can be done alone or in a group with friends and family. Not only can you celebrate our planet, but you can also use the opportunity to connect with those you appreciate the most!

Join a Local Clean Up

three ladies participating in an environmental clean up project

Become a guardian of the green spaces we cherish by joining forces with fellow enthusiasts and help keep our world clean! This is an additional activity where you can reconnect with friends and family or fly solo by conducting your own clean-up!

Find or register a clean-up near you today by visiting the Earth Day Campaign Cleanup Website

Plant a tree or start a garden

Trees are the lungs that provide oxygen to the atmostphere we breathe. According to, "One mature oak tree can produce an average of 274 liters of oxygen daily –– nearly half of what the average human needs in a day." Planting a tree is a vow to the future and a beacon of hope. If you don't have space to grow one of your own, you might start a small flower bed or vegetable garden. This can be done by visiting your local home improvement store and picking up a small bag of soil, a packet of seeds, and a planting container for as little as $20. 

If neither of these options suits you, select a non-profit tree-planting program that will do it for you! My personal favorite is the National Forest Foundation, but you can also visit PlantWithPurpose, where you can plant a tree with as little as $1!

Go Paperless

stacks of cut down trees to make lumber

Did you know we, as humans, used 420 million metric tons of paper in 2023? That's about 1.2 million metric tons per day! Technology has made most media available digitally. So why not opt in to saving a tree and receive your statements, magazines, and newspapers in a paperless way? This action not only helps you use less paper, but it also puts all your favorite reads right on your phone or tablet! If you're like me and have already done this, try to find a friend or family member and talk to them about how they can go paperless, too!

Support Eco-Friendly Businesses

On Earth Day, cast your dollar like a vote for the future you believe in. Seek out and support businesses that have decided to champion sustainability! Whether they use recycled products or ones that promise a greener tomorrow, your support helps promote a marketplace where the Earth matters.

Search "eco-friendly companies near me" on your favorite search engine and see what is available near you!

Cut Down on Plastic Use

Commit to being plastic-free by trying my top five solutions:

trash, plastic plates and bottles littered on the beach
  • Using BPA-free refillable water bottles 
  • Skip the straw at your favorite restaurant or fast food stop. It is essential to be mindful when taking this pledge, as many food servers give you a straw before you even realize it has happened. So be sure to stop them before they hand it to you or place it on your table.
  • Remembering the reusable shopping bags when you go to the grocery store. I can't tell you how often I forget these in the car and send my husband back outside to get them while we wait in the checkout line!
  • Bring your lunch to work in reusable containers instead of plastic baggies.
  • Avoiding one-time-use plastic whenever possible is a daily declaration that our planet is more valuable than convenience, a testament to thoughtfulness in our everyday choices!

Conduct a Quick Energy Audit of your home

This action doesn't have to be expensive or complicated. The idea is to be mindful of your energy usage and cut back where possible! Here are some ideas to help you get started!

Locate and seal air leaks

Do you feel a draft coming through the cracks of your doors when the wind blows? Check and see if the rubber seals around your door need some TLC!

Unplug electronic items when not using them

You may not realize it, but appliances continue to draw power even when turned off. You probably think the same thing I did when I first heard this, "But I turned it OFF! Why is it still using power?" I know, right? Way back in 2015, the Natural Resources Defense Council "estimated that devices left on 24/7 (even if only on standby) cost the average US household around $165 every year. That's $19 billion worth of electricity wasted across the country in a world where we have become increasingly aware that energy generation often comes at an environmental cost. The NRDC reports that this wasted energy adds up to around the amount of electricity that's produced by 50 large (500-megawatt) power plants – every year." And that estimate was 9 years ago. Imagine how bad it must be today!

Consider Refurbished Electronics

Recycling can mean more than just sorting your trash. It can also mean buying recycled items and items made from recycled materials too! For example, I shopped on the refurbished section of Nikon's website last time I purchased new photography equipment. I not only saved a couple bucks while still getting a manufacturer's warranty but also gave used equipment a new home! Even the Apple website has a refurbished section. Other major brands have this option, too! So be sure to check these alternatives next time you shop!

    Which of these 8 ways to celebrate Earth Day was your favorite? Is there anything you're incorporating into your routine? I'd love to hear about them in the comments below!

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